It turned out to be a whole package after all: From November 8-12, 2023, I spent four days in the appealing Bavarian city, which seemed particularly large to me this time. Until I rang the doorbell of my friend Terry, who lives in a small, dark red-painted terraced...
Schreiben gehört natürlich dazu, zu den Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation, des Teilens, des Publizierens. Eine eher kurze, spontane Form, die meinen Bedürfnisse sehr entgegen kommt.
Retreat: Writing Peace in Auschwitz – Our last zazen on the morning of May 25, 2024 in Krakow: Sitting – Walking – Heart Circle Talk (Council)- The Four Great Vows
Photo by Regina Pietsch. At the Ash-Pond in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Embodying the Great Thanks. Let the lotus blossom with each step. This is the only way to create peace: Including everyone in this practice. Interweaving. Don't expect everyone to participate at the same...

Mourning the death of my friend Don Singer
Don Singer has died! I almost want to say that he died "suddenly and unexpectedly". For me! For me the death announcement came out of the blue. For himself maybe not at all, maybe he had seen it coming, the death, maybe sometimes wished for it - and his relatives and...

Ich trauere um Don Singer
Don Singer ist gestorben! Fast möchte ich sagen, dass er „plötzlich und unerwartet“ gestorben ist. Für mich! Für mich kam die Todesanzeige aus heiterem Himmel. Für ihn selber vielleicht gar nicht, vielleicht hatte er ihn kommen sehen, den Tod, vielleicht manchmal...

Honoring Bernie Glassman roshi – died on Nov 4, 2018 or: Until the last name has been chanted
The closer that day comes the more I am thinking of him, the inventor of the Auschwitz-Bearing-Witness-Retreats. Probably it has been a co-creation with his Polish friend Andrzej Krajewski, his second wife Sandra Jishu Holmes and others. I have to write about him,...

Dear friends and companions! This text appeared in the June issue of the Austrian Buddhist magazine Ursache & Wirkung (Cause & Effect) No. 112 / 2020: Ready to engage: Bearing witness retreats in Auschwitz – how Monika Winkelmann experienced grief I...